5 Thoughts About Sole Proprietor And Small Business Communications For 2021

YouTube Video

If you are running a sole proprietorship, like I am, don't be afraid to represent your company as yourself, openly, and honesty.

Don't try to pretend to be something you are not. You are not a large corporation. You are not a perfect person. You are not wealthy and successful. And that is more than okay, that is relatable.

Your goal is to let people get to know you, as you really are. Because those first customers can really help you, but they'll want to know the truth.

Frequent communication is taxing at times, so give yourself a break on the details, but keep that communication going, because it is an absolute necessity.

As a small business, attacks on your confidence will be constant from outside and even the inside. Resist those attacks, and if some of them are true, swear to make them not true in the near future.

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