Christmas is a Time for Caring and Giving

Take the time to relax, let your stress go, and remember everyone's humanity.

Every year the holiday season makes us pause and remember to care about other people. We think about all the questions about whether needy people are truly in need. We go over the arguments for and against charity. Is giving just perpetuating the cycle?

Yesterday I saw a man over 50 standing in the rain at a freeway exit with some sign or other asking for money. Who knows if his sign is telling the truth. I asked myself, if someone is really at that point to do we really need to do an investigation to decide whether he's worthy of a dollar? Probably not. Thanks Christmas for reminding me of this.

The font used for "Christmas" is UnifrakturCook available on Google Fonts. The other font is Savoye LET which was included in early versions of Apple iWork for the Mac.