Having A Website Is About Publicity, Persona, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, And A Website
For many years after I started Mattifesto the company was focused exclusively on website technology. Website technology is still a big part of what the company does, but now it is about publicity and persona as well.
Most people who want a website, and all of my clients, want a website because they want to sell things. When they get started they almost always want to sell things without actually having to sell things. That will never work.
Website technology is still the majority of what I do. However, the most obvious thing I do with my clients now is work on their publicity and persona. Then we express that on social media and on their website, along with their products, with the end goal of selling more of those products.
Last week my video was not about websites, it was about how Twitter was not helping me get access to my sixth twitter account for Mattifesto Media. This week, something happened silently at twitter to allow that to happen and I didn't hear a single word. Traveling through this type of challenge is one of the steps of publicity.
Another item that was needed for Mattifesto Media was to claim the @mattifestomedia username for the page. I was not allowed access probably because I already have five other Facebook pages. I found online that the trick was to make one of your friends who's less active on Facebook an admin for the page and have them request the username. So that's what I did, and the username has now been claimed.
And today I am making this video, one of six videos I make each week for six different YouTube channels. The number is six, because there are six different personas related to me and my business. They are all me, but each is focused on a different area. They all help draw attention to my business.
And each of those personas has a website. But those websites would be pretty boring with the YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook accounts. And the websites would not exist without the website technology.
It's the circle of life of the web.
Lately, all of my website clients are all learning to make YouTube videos. Because if you have a business, that is something you have to do. You have to be willing to attract buyers publicly on social media with your personas.
#Website #Publicity #Persona #Twitter #Facebook #Instagram #LinkedIn #YouTube #Selling